Single people lives longer

Single people spend, on average, 5.56 hours a day on overall leisure time, reports Business Insider UK.

Also a survey by Amerisleep found that single people get the most sleep.
Social psychologist Bella DePaulo wrote for Psychology Today: “Consistent with lots of other research, these findings again debunk the myth of the isolated single person.”

Single people have a lower body mass index (BMI.)

Another benefit of being single people is to have less debt and legal responsibilities, therefore less stress.

Why can't I get a girlfriend? 馃

Maybe you’ve read many self-help books and blogs and watched YouTube channels to help improve the appearance and self-confidence. You might’ve worked  yourself and your insecurities, but why is this so hard for you?

Well, there are some reason of why you might not be able to find a girlfriend, one might be your insecurities, but you need to be able to understand why on Earth do you want a girlfriend, is it because you feel lonely? Is it because are bored? Currently women have more opportunities and goals than before, times have changed, a study from the University of Harvard suggests that 20% of women in developed countries are not looking for a partner mostly because it interferes in their new lives, women now have money and more career options, the "perks" of having a couple are shrinking, men in the new years to come should understand that women are looking for experiences, you need to be able to offer the best experiences than others, you need to understand that women don't need a relationship anymore, women now create, you need to be mentally prepared to know to wait until you find your love one.

Men Brain vs Women Brain 馃挕

According to new investigations on the human brain, men have better motor and spatial abilities than women and more monomaniacal patterns of thought, which explains why men are generally perceived as better drivers.

Meanwhile, women have better memories. They are more socially adept and are better at dealing with several things at once, which explains why women are so common in fields like nursery and costumer service.

How to be more successful? 馃

The first thing to consider is the fact that practically all the population is always looking to be better, better than the neighbors, better than the co-workers, but not so much people understand the real meaning of success, success is not only be able to show that you have more but also you need to feel it, in fact, success is a feeling, you need to believe in it in order to be able to make it, you just have to focus on your goals and you would be able to do everything, that's right, everything.

How to get rich? 馃挵

The most important way to get rich is starting with yourself, believe in it, believe that you can make it, some of the richest people on Earth make fun on how they changed their lives styles, started to behave like an important person, people will always be with or against you but you need to do it, it doesn't matter if the people don't believe in it, planning is good but remember things almost never going to happen as planned in a paper, there will be obstacles to surpass, what you need is the courage.